
Photos: Catherine Thiry


Victoria Janisch
CANTIENICA® Instructor & Craniosacral Bodywork

I’m passionate about everything connected to motion, emotion, interaction and consciousness of body and mind. Before I discovered the CANTIENICA® – Body in Evolution, I studied and worked in the fields of dance, languages and in a drama school, while moving to various places like Vienna, Innsbruck, Barcelona and now Luxembourg. Movement has played a central role in my life.

I was born into a lively and ever moving environment with three family generations and numerous animals under one roof.

I started dancing ballet when I was six and moved to Vienna at the age of ten to dance at the State Opera Ballet School. After graduation, I studied translation (English and Spanish) in Innsbruck and Barcelona. During and after my studies, I worked at the drama school in Innsbruck and as a freelance translator before I moved to Luxembourg in 2013.

Today – living in Luxembourg – I accompany people on their individual way to a good body feeling, freedom from pain and more life energy in the form of group training and in individual sessions.

How did I get to CANTIENICA® and Craniosacral Bodywork?

When I came across the method during a google search, I was immediately fascinated. Its basic principles simply made sense to me, and when I tried out several exercises I found in the internet, I got the immediate response from my body that it also felt logic. Without a single professional CANTIENICA® class, and led by intuition, I decided to become a certified instructor for this method.

I had tried different training methods to strengthen and shape my body, but none of them was as effective as CANTIENICA®. Since I have practiced it and integrated its basic principles in my daily routine, my body feels lighter, is stronger, much more flexible and in better shape.

Apart from an overall much better feeling, I also improved an abdominal separation caused by my two pregnancies, got rid of an inflammation in the sacrococcygeal area that I had had for more than ten years, and a permanent tension in my right shoulder.

With CranioSacral Healing® it should again be a coincidence and my intuition that finally got me to start this training. Or maybe there are no coincidences and you you just come across the right things, when you’re ready for it.

It was interview by Prof. Dr. Jörg Spitz with Ramraj Ulrich Löwe (CranioSacral Healing®), that inspired me so much that I registered for cranio training at his school the next day.

What a gift! A fascinating journey began – I got to know the fascinating craniosacral rhythm, which is transmitted throughout the body via the fascia, and I am currently in training level 2.

Both, Cantienica® as well as CranioSacral Healing®, share the health of the spine as a central element and a holistic approach to look at the whole person and not just a symptom.

Accompanying people on their way to feeling their vitality, is very fulfilling and gives me the greatest joy. It also remains exciting, because there is something new to discover and learn every day while exploring the body universe…

CANTIENICA® licence holder

All CANTIENICA® license holders commit to regular further training. They are therefore at the cutting edge of Benita Cantieni’s latest anatomical research and are listed as recommended trainers on www.cantienica.com at ANBIETER. The CANTIENICA Ltd is an EDUQUA-certified institute for training and further training.


  • since 09/ 2021 CranioSacral Healing® (currently in training, Advanced Level 5)
  • 09/ 2020 CANTIENICA®-Besser Sehen
  • 03/2019 CANTIENICA®-Level 4 Platin
  • 04/2018 CANTIENICA®-Level 3b Gold
  • 11/2017 CANTIENICA®-Refresher Level 3a (Faceforming)
  • 12/2016 CANTIENICA®-Level 2 Silver
  • 06/2016 CANTIENICA®-Faceforming
  • 05/2015 CANTIENICA®-Pelvic Floor Training
  • 03/2015 CANTIENICA®-Coaching
  • 04/2014 CANTIENICA®-Power Programme


Elfi Cantienica Foto

Elfriede Daleiden
CANTIENICA® Instruktorin

Ich habe in meiner Jugend viel geturnt, viele Sportarten ausprobiert und dabei leider auch etwas übertrieben. Meine Wirbelsäule verspannte sich, bedingt durch eine Skoliose, sobald ich versuchte, Sport zu betreiben. Nachts weckte mich permanent mein schmerzender Rücken. Ich wusste nicht mehr, was ich machen sollte. Aerobic, Fitness-Studio, Rückengymnastik, nichts half.


Dann erzählte mir meine Schwester vom Cantienica-Training und ich beschloss, auch dieser Methode, die damals noch relativ unbekannt war, eine Chance zu geben. Zuerst war ich etwas skeptisch was die kleinen, kaum sichtbaren Bewegungen betraf, doch nach der ersten Stunde merkte ich, dass sich hier etwas zum Guten wandte, dass sich meine Verkürzungen entspannten und die präzisen Übungen an der Tiefenmuskulatur, die am Anfang für mich sehr anstrengend waren, meinen Knochen die Möglichkeit gab, wieder in ihre ursprüngliche Position zurückzufinden.

Eine Ahnung von Leichtigkeit, Kraft und Schmerzfreiheit machte sich breit. Ich schwebte aus meiner ersten Stunde wie auf Wolken. In Folge lernte ich, die einzelnen Muskeln meines Körpers aufzuspüren und war erstaunt, dass auch die tiefe Muskulatur mit Hilfe meinens Atems, durch aufspannen und dabei entspannen, gezielt trainiert werden konnten.


Ich war so fasziniert von der, sofort in den Alltag integrierbaren „Anleitung zur Selbstheilung“, dass ich mehr wissen wollte. Und ich wollte vor allem eines: nie mehr zurück in die schlechte, verkrümmte, schlappe Haltung.


So habe ich nach einem Jahr die Ausbildung zur Cantienica-Instruktorin gemacht und versuche nun, die Faszination und Aha-Erlebnisse der Cantienica-Methode an andere weiterzugeben.


Kontakt: +352 621 210 612 / elfi@bodypowerandposture.com